04 October 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog

While looking through Communication Arts I came across an interesting article on blogging, “Blog as a Marketing Tool” by Maria Piscopo. The article addresses the upside and downside of blogging, mostly up though. The most important pieces I took from this article are respecting blogs as marketing tools, edit carefully to put your best foot forward and keep the blog current. (Click on the article title for link)

 I’m slowly adjusting to updating my blog regularly. There are blogs I like to check on occasion, but I had not taken the time to blog myself in the past. Hopefully, by the end of the semester this will be a part of my regular schedule and I will continue on. Blogging is a great way to share information and maintain a web presence.


Phil said...

This class has forced me into a world I have been running away from for so many years. When Stephanie and Amy said we had to create a blog I thought to myself, "I am in trouble!" But I am starting to enjoy it. I can now see how it can be useful to market yourself. I just love the fact that it is quick and easy for those dinosaurs such as myself.

Dave The Game said...

Blogging is becoming bigger and bigger every day. I run a bigger blog with a few other people, and we've been approached by a couple companies who just want their products blogged about (good or bad) so as to appear in search engine results.

Shayla said...

Thanks for sharing that Dave. Just proves the power of the blog as a marketing tool. I tend to forget about the numbers game and search engines. Endless possibilities here, what other ways can this be used?

Stephanie said...

I found the same article and wrote about it on my blog.

I have never blogged before as well, but I am actually enjoying this as well.