28 September 2007

Behold the Power at Hand

I saw this ad for the Palm in Wired magazine. Simple and to the point, one hand and one device. It is amazing to think of what we have available at our fingertips in any given moment. I wouldn’t think of leaving home without my cell phone, but there was a time that the only phone I had was wired to the house. Now I can conduct my life with one hand and one device.


26 September 2007


Last week as I read the chapter on verbs from our text, the School House Rock jingle “Verb! That’s What’s Happening” was running through my mind. This week I thought I would share a snippet from “Unpack Your Adjectives.” Enjoy!


24 September 2007


Descriptions are all around us. While I enjoyed a snack I decided to take a look at the snack box and not to my surprise, there it was, a description. Explaining what made the bar that I munched tasty and good for me. Fiber, protein and whole grains. You can’t go wrong with that. Right? I’ll just end the description here, no sense in looking at the nutritional facts and discovering how much sugar is included. Happy trails!


Inspiration. In general I try to keep my eyes and ears open to my surroundings, sometimes the smallest of sightings can turn on the light bulb. I’m inspired by modern architecture and furniture design, simple and timeless (this is a new interest, so discovery is fun). Plants and gardens serve as a source of inspiration and at times just a way to clear my head. I enjoy the various colors (even just variations on green), shapes and smells. My thumb may classify as “brownish-green,” but like to try, gardening is good for the soul.

21 September 2007

You say weaves, I say leaves

Another season approaches and as usual retail puns lead the way. Hopefully from the picture you can see the die cut of the green pillow. Pier 1 invites you to “rake in the pillows… and jump in.” I could use a laugh maybe I’ll take them up on the offer.

13 September 2007

King Panda

This image is from an advertisement I received in the mail. Normally I’m not a big fan of junk mail, but this caught my attention. The article depicted was in a May issue of The Economist. 

“America’s fear of China” is about the US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue (which covers currency issues, trade imbalances, etc.) and discusses the approach Congress has taken during these talks. The play on King Kong is cute, as Pandas are often considered cute and cuddly, but have on occasion lashed out when irritated, so the image also offers an air of caution. There is more that could be said, the image and title speak volumes.

If you are interested here is a link to the article. "America's fear of China"

11 September 2007

The first cup


This blog is for Project Green and begins my adventure as a blogger. In keeping with the project title, I'll start things off with a green tea, jasmine sounds nice.

To good health.